Thursday, February 25, 2010
Mike Bouchard Outlines Real Ideas for Job Creation in Michigan
From Lansing State Journal, February 25th
Lansing – Michigan can once again be a state with a thriving economy and abundant jobs, Republican candidate for governor Mike Bouchard said today, but steps must be taken to reverse current policies that undermine the state’s competitiveness.
Bouchard announced his “Stop Wasting Time, Start Creating Jobs” plan, which would institute critical reforms to cut government red tape and break down other barriers that stifle job creation. The changes would establish a new regulatory environment that is more reasonable and predictable for businesses and would streamline Michigan’s economic development system to make it more effective.
“There is no time to waste,” Bouchard said. “We need to get the old way that Michigan does business out of the way. Government should be working with, rather than against, job creators and making it easier for them to grow and invest here.”
Bouchard’s plan calls for a freeze of all pending regulatory rules until a review of existing regulations is completed. As governor, Bouchard would not sign any regulatory bills into law until a detailed cost-benefit analysis is done on behalf of the citizens and job providers it would affect. He would also require environmental and regulatory standards to be based on sound science and reasoning.
The state’s permitting process would be reformed, with some permit mandates eliminated and the rest simplified. The review process would be expedited and timelines set in stone, so businesses looking to locate or expand in Michigan can depend on specific dates when planning.
“With Michigan’s current regulatory burdens and tax structure, we cannot compete with other states in the Union – let alone the world,” Bouchard said. “We can and must take the steps needed to make our state an economic contender again.”
His plan would overhaul the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and consolidate the current 300 pages of economic development laws into a single, coherent Michigan Economic Development Code.
“We will also end the practice of helping favored businesses and industries rather than the economy as a whole,” Bouchard said. “Programs that pick winners and losers must go.”
To help job providers satisfy Michigan’s regulatory requirements in a timely manner, Bouchard would assemble a team of “economic development account executives” who would be charged with helping businesses cut through government red tape, secure necessary permits and navigate their way through government requirements successfully.
Bouchard recognizes that the top two creators of jobs are business startups and businesses that expand. Therefore, he would focus government efforts and incentives more on growing businesses in Michigan.
“An environment that improves the health of our ‘home-grown’ businesses will have a much greater impact on Michigan’s economy than policies that are designed to get companies to relocate,” Bouchard said.
Citing the current administration’s use of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds (ARRA) to balance the state’s budget rather than making significant structural reforms to state government, Bouchard vowed to use any available ARRA funds to “foster job creation not government preservation.”
The “Stop Wasting Time, Start Creating Jobs” plan is part of Bouchard’s blueprint to fix Lansing and get Michigan back to work. It draws on his experience as a small-business owner and as a former state senator who helped bring Michigan to better economic times in the 1990s.
Visit, for more information on Bouchard’s plan to fix Lansing and get Michigan back to work.
Mark's Notes: This my friends is LEADERSHIP. Mike Bouchard offers concrete solutions while Mike Cox doesn't. I hope my fellow Michigander's are seeing the difference?
Also, in the last few days, we've learned that Jenny Granholm is looking to raid the coffers of the Michigan Sheriff's Departments to further prop-up the MSP. While I back all Law Enforcement agencies, we need to be aware that all Law Enforcement Agencies ARE NOT created equal. OUR Sheriff's are the most vital to us for they were designed and established by our Founding Fathers as our ELECTED, Constitutional Liberty Defenders. Granholm knows this which is why she has no problem gutting them.
ALWAYS 'follow the money' to uncover the truth...
Help support our Michigan Sheriff's by joining the Michigan Sheriff's Association:
Press On,
Post Script: Having a Democrat as a Sheriff, is like putting a pedofile in charge of a Daycare Center.
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