Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gene Taliercio Isn't Afraid To Make Real Change: The Gig's Up Lansing!


In recent weeks, Michigan legislators have proposed a variety of budget cuts for the fiscal year 2011.

However, the benefit packages with which legislators continue to provide themselves remain detrimental to our state budget.

Recently, a Detroit area newspaper reported, “Lawmakers agree they should eliminate generous state health insurance for legislators who have served as few as six years, but they disagree whether the ban should apply to them or only future lawmakers.” Simply put, they don’t mind cutting future legislators’ benefits, as long as the cuts don’t affect their own pocketbooks.

During the short period in which I have been campaigning to be your next State Senator, I have discovered a number of shocking, yet little known, facts about our public servants. For example:

Did you know: State legislators receive compensation of $80,000 per year in addition to a $1,000 monthly expense allowance. Michigan legislators are amongst the highest paid in the nation.

Did you know: State legislators work merely three days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday).

Did you know: After serving only six years in the state legislature, legislators are entitled to receive a lifetime health care and pension plan.

Fellow Michiganders, I will put it bluntly: Lansing is financially broke. If our state government was a business, it would be in receivership. The Capitol Building’s furniture would be on the front lawn waiting to be auctioned off.

As a candidate for the Michigan State Senate, I pledge to voluntarily give up my lifetime pension and health care benefits. I also support a 10 percent pay reduction for all Michigan legislators.

Leadership starts with one’s own actions. Lucrative life time legislator entitlements need to go!

Article from the Oakland Press, Monday, March 1, 2010 Titled: 'State should stop overpaying legislators,' By GENE TALIERCIO
In recent weeks, Michigan legislators have proposed a variety of budget cuts for the fiscal year 2011. Gene Taliercio cuts to the chase by exposing the truth.

Mark's Comments: As I've previously indicated, I endorse Gene because he has the integrity and guts to expose the simple truth and is willing to act on it. Press On Gene!

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